Friday, June 22, 2007

Boy, did I ever dodge a bullet! I found out a couple of days ago that one of the first publishers to show an interest in my book has filed for bankruptcy. Last year, Triskelion Publishing accepted my manuscript in the morning only to take the offer back in the afternoon. Apparently, the senior editor decided that they were going to concentrate in a whole different area [paranormal/sexual - an area I don't go!] and didn't think my book would fit in with their new concept.
I was upset and disappointed but I got over it. Thank goodness I didn't waste too many tears over that. If I had stayed with them, I would be in the same boat as so many of their authors are now, trying to get the rights to books back that are going to be held up now because they are considered "company assets". Who knows how long it's going to take before those authors can get their books published elsewhere.
I might have some scary feelings about going with a self-publisher but at least I know I have control over my work.

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