Tuesday, April 06, 2010

My Nook

I am in love with my Nook. I have already downloaded and read several books on it plus I can read my Word documents [after converting them to PDF] as well. It's fun and convenient. I had no problem adjusting to the screen or the page-turning button. And this will be great for anyone who travels. Imagine carrying up to 1500 books with you and they only weigh a few ounces. Whether your preference is Nook, Kindle, Sony, or whatever, I highly recommend this new way of reading.
Will it replace paper pages and covers? No, I doubt it but it's another option.


Southwestwriter said...

I downloaded Kindle onto my laptop and love it! I can get the books right away and read them more easily. Love your blogs!

Southwestwriter said...

Love your blogs! I love my Kindle, downloaded onto my laptop :-)